Isn't Yanma a cute little bugger?  Adorable artwork, a Swift attack that can eat through Steelix and free retreat....and one attack that most people turn their noses up at.  Shockwave costs one Grass and with a flip of heads, you can do 10 damage to all your opponents Pokemon and force them to switch the Active with somethin on the bench.  Now what to do with all those damage counters....well if you have multiple Fossil Gengar's on your bench use its Curse Pokemon Power to bounce the damage around how you see fit.  Imagine having two or three Gengar's out and moving 20-30 damage around as you choose, now that's called control!  Keep Shockwaving or put out one of those Gengars and use Dark Mind to just wipe out the opponents bench.  Granted it's risky and might not always work, but hey anything's better than the same old combos you see out nowadays right!?  Haymaker be damned!  :)

Poison Ivy can be reached at  and will gladly reply to any positive comments, suggestions or ideas and is also avalaible to answer card questions and provide deck repairs to any friendly gamers who don't mind a strong smart girls advice!  Hehe...take care ya'll!

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