Re: Killer Fella's Downsides

Hi, Raptor here, Pojoholics.
On Nov. 23rd, 'Mega-Afro Sumo-Dude' wrote an article I partially disagree
with. It listed weaknesses of famous Pokemon. The things Mega-Afro
Sumo-Dude said will be between > and <. I'm writing this on Dec. 3rd.

 >Electabuzz: there are hardly any other good Electric-type Pokémon,
making him hard to include in a deck.<
Actually, he's not at all hard to include in a deck, because he only needs
*1* energy to attack.  You also seem to be forgetting ROCKET'S ZAPDOS! I
use Rainbow energy in a 3-colour deck (named Storm) I play, and I only
needed 6 energies for 'Buzz in previous versions. Rainbow Energy, too...
 >Hitmonchan: Four words: Promo Mewtwo<
I agree here. He's still OK, though. (and also he forgot to mention
Scyther's Resistance.)
 >Fossil Magmar: RainDance migh<
Blastoise: Electabuzz. Electabuzz: Hitmonchan. Hitmonchan: MP Mewtwo, etc...
 >Promo Mewtwo:  It has a weakness to itself, and SER and ER can make it
impossible to recover without an Energy Retrieval or a NGR.<
(By the way, I'm assuming you mean MP Mewtwo, not NP Mewtwo.) True, but
your opponent's MP Mewtwo has the same weakness as you. And I have no idea
what you mean about ER or NGR... Energy Absorption, perhaps, would help?
 >Wigglytuff: It is a Stage 1, which is usually not ideal for
quick-as-lightning Haymakers. Also, Narrow Gym is becoming popular in
Anti-Wiggly places<
Yes, Narrow Gym takes away Wiggly's power. (Keep in mind you can use your
own gyms to offset the balances of their Gyms, though.) But Wiggly (if
played right) is EXTREMELY fast.
 >Scyther: Fossil Magmar is becoming popular<
Here's what you just wrote: >Fossil Magmar: RainDance migh< You're right,
but almost every Pokemon has a weakness. The cycle goes on.

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(The Velociraptor)