Hi, i just read the homemade cards artical and wanted to submitt some ones i made awhile ago:-D  hope you enjoy!also(i have used these in battles and they have there own uses and some "blockades"
to get around,as in, figuring out the strategies for them)
Ampharos-evolves from Phlaaffy    HP80
Lx2- Electro shock therapy-use this attack only if any of your pokemon are confused   30 damage
Lx4- Thunder Punch-consider this attack as a electric and fighting element attack    50 damage
retreat cost=2   weakness=fighting   resistance=none
Entei  HP90
Fx3- Ember Shower  40 damage
Fx5- Flame Circle Blast-flip a coin, if tails, do 60 damage to this pokemon             70 damage
retreat cost=1   weakness=none  resistance=none
Skarmory  HP70
Sx1- Steel wing  20 damage
Colorlessx3- Iron Flight-For the rest of this turn, no effects of attacks can be taken in by this pokemon   30 damage
retreat=1  weakness=Fire  resistance=fighting
Teddiursa  HP50
Colorlessx1- Honey Tasting-remove 1 damage from this pokemon for each energy on it
Colorlessx3- Sticky Hands-for the rest of the time this pokemon is in play, the defending pokemon cannot retreat  20 damage
well, those are my cards!! U can contact me at mrbigcheez2000@yahoo.com   well, this is Evan bye untill next time!