Hey everybody.  Since the new sets have come out everybody has forgotten
about the old reliable cards. 
    For example one of my favorite pokemon is Charmeleon.  I bet your
probably thinking what the heck is this kid talking about Charmeleon an
uncommon only useful for Charizard.  Charmeleon is very useful in any fire
deck, he has scythers move 3 colorless for 30 damage and he has a
flamethrower (like a lot of fire pokemon) that does 50 and discards 1.  He
also has a beefy 80 HP for a stage 1, and a retreat cost of 1.  Sure he is
weak to water, but don't most pokemon have a weakness.
    Strategy:  Combo this card with a low cost retreating flareon and you
have a very good fire deck.  OF course like always add Scythers to fight off
water and maybe even run two types with Buzz. 
    Another pokemon that is very reliable is Dewgong.  He is also an uncommon
and he too.....has 80 HP.  He has a solid move for 50 for 2 water and a
colorless and a move for 30 that can paralyze for 2 water and 2 colorless. 
The only weakness for this card is it has 3 retreat.  He is VERY similar to
Gyarados a card that pops up in a lot of decks.
    Strategy: I think we all know what I'm going to say here:  RAINDANCE!!
two water energies and a dce for your turn and you have Dewgong fully loaded.
    Another very good pokemon is Electrode.  If you remember correctly he was
in a very common deck called Speedrill but nbow poor Electrode has been left
out.  He has a sturdy pokemon power that allows you to knock out Electrode to
count him as two energy and put it on one of your pokemon and a good attack
that cost 3 lightning for 50 damage and a 50% chance of 10 back to Electrode.
Once again he has 80 HP and a low cost retreat of 1.
    Strategy:  Use this card with your electabuzz's and get him fully pumped
the turn you play him down, you could use two types and use promo mewtwo for
some hard hitting power with buzz.
    In conclusion I have shown you some very good pokemon that have not
necesarly not been used but just haven't been used enough as they should.
Take this into consideration next time you are making a deck.
Signing Off,
J. Bandit
Disagree with everything I say, agree, questions, comments email me at: