Ok Blaines Arcainine has a 120 damage attack and
he's 90 hp.But really a amateur could see that . I want
to look behind the strengths and look at the
weaknesses .For one thing to get that energy back.On the other hand there
are cards that will help you get that energy back.First there's the blaine
energy card it gives hat 120 attack takes away 3 of your energies don't Know
about you but that is allot of energy cards if you ask me.Plus then you have to
wait 3 turns to attack again.By that time you're Arcainine could be nocket
out.Also this becomes a gigantic problem if theres a energy drought.And probably
just in the middle of the energy drought You're opponent will use a super energy
remouval.WHAM! you just lost the game.But fear not there are cards that will
help you all the way.Number one the Blaine card.It will get you 2 energy's
free.And will help you charge up Arcainine again and go in for the big
attack.The second thing that will help you through those terrible times is
vulpix.Blaines vulpix has a attack that will let you get discarded energy.You
can get up to 3 in one turn AMAZING!The energy drought has passed GREAT.But he
still has problems.Like that his attack uses all one color energy and it's
expensive.Ok though you have to admit that he is still great card.His heat
tackle does 40 but unfortiontly it does 10 damage to its self but that's what is
called except able causualties.But all around he's a good card with special
features.He has a good attack a killer attack and very good hp.As long as you
have lots of energy this dog will never fail.
To contact me right to coolzone15@hotmail.com