Hi my name is Tnavrey...
The subject I will be talking about is GoopGas.Everyone who I played with TCG, donsn't use goop-gas.I think GoopGas is
one of the best cards there is!for example if uhave Rocket's Zapdos and ur friend he takes out Ditto he could easily get u plus
Ditto wouldn't damage it self! BUT if u had a GoopGas at the right moment It would be as easy as getting a candy from a
baby!!! The same applies with Brock's Ninetales's Pokemon Power, Charizards , Blastoises, Mr Mimes, Venusaures and so
on.All the people who play the game PLEASE re-think of having at least 2 GoopGases in ur deck.
I know this might of been boring!its my first time!!!
If u have any comments please e-mail to SADANA1@hotmail.com