The Spanish Inquisition- Nobody Expects the Sabrina's Gengar!
Sabrina- Huh. That's funny. I thought I trained Psychic Type. This is Ghost.
Blaine- Not by the rules of the Card Game, Sabrina.
Koga- I don't know why Shadow Assassin keeps asking me to do quotes.
Claire- I don't know why he is only picking pokémon trainers.
Ok. Enough
with the quotes. Sorry to keep you all waiting so long. Sabrina has 2 good
Gengars. They possess powerful attacks. If you want to see them in action, look
at my Sabrina's Gengar deck fix. The holo one has 10 more HP, but they are
pretty much equal. The holo has a solid attack (Call of the Night) and an attack
that can really hurt with the right deck (Pain Amplifier). I've seen this thing
go through everything. His best allies are Sabrina's Hypno, Sabrina's Mr. Mime,
Rocket's Training Gym, or Fossil Gengar. The other one is also freakishly
powerful. Dark Wave is like Sputter, and Shadow Bind is like a damaging Mean
Look. These both can beat the following cards: Hitmonchan, TR Zappy, Baby
Pokémon, Mewtow, Sometimes Steelix, Slowking, Giovanni's Machamp, TR Hitmonchan,
Donphan, Sabrina's Anthing Else, etc. They loose to the following cards:
Sneasel, Murkrow, Typhlosion (Sometimes), Feraligatr. The odds seem to be
against them with the
Now, a look
at the devolutions: I didn't
think it would be worth it to put the Gastlys in, because you all already have
them. The Haunter with 70 is a lot better. Shadow Attack works with the Holo
Gengar, and Nitemare is decent with the Rare. As for the Gastlys, the 40 and 50
HP ones are better than the crap 30 HP. The 40 Hp should go with the Holo
Gengar, and the 50 Hp works nicely with the Rare. In all, I
give this card 6/10 in standard. With Sneasel in every deck, Gengar has no
chance. In Modified
it is slighty better, getting a 7/10 from me.Shadow
-The Dark, Mysterious Destroyer of Archetype