Sent: Wednesday, December 12,
2001 10:40 PM
Subject: RE:Pop
This is the same,thing happening to everything we know
about,i was not allowed to be a memember in a pokemon league at toys R us in the
state i lived in becouse i was not 15 or younger i am 26 now,i know.most people
think a 26 yr old guy playing pokemon is stupied well,i was in the leage the
frist yr now when i find out its going on again i went up there in the bleek of
winter,just to join again and what do i find out is that my name is crossed off
the list,and the stupied manager wont get me a answer i am looking this
is another in the long line for wizard.Frist they seem to not realise,is we the
parents or ones that have jobs,pay the $$$ for the cards now they ban us becouse
we are so old.