My deck is 'Assassination' since my nickname is 'The
Assassin'. Hardly anybody uses Sabrina's Gengar so, I decided to give it a try.
My basic problem is figuring out the number of energy needed in a deck. I
sometimes put a lot in because of the fear of Energy Removals. Enough said,
here's the deck:
4 Sabrina's Gastly : Suffocating Gas
3 Sabrina's Haunter: Nightmare
1 Sabrina's Gengar: Call of the
1 Sabrina's Gengar: Shadow Bind
4 Jigglypuff
3 Wigglytuff
1 Mr.Mime
1 Magby
1 Tyrogue
2 Computer Search
1 Berry
1 Potion
2 Super Potion
1 Switch
1 Full Heal
1 Energy Retrieval
1 Nightly Garbage Run
2 PlusPower
1 Pokemon Trader
1 Master Ball
2 Gust of Wind
1 Professor Elm
1 Professor Oak
1 EcoGym
1 Saffron City Gym
1 Challenge
17 Psychic Energy
Ok. Decent deck idea, unfocused deck. You should either base the deck
around Pain Amplifier, and use S's Mr. Mime and S's Hypno; or use The Shadow
Bind and focus the deck on retreat stoppping through Murkrow, Rocket's Training
Gym, and the 50 hp Sabrina's Gastly. You also are going to need more trainers.
Let's focus on both stategies. This should be fun. The Holo S's Gengar is
a major bench destroyer. The Rare S's Gengar is a retreat stopper/ pokémon power
remover. If either deck gets going, your opponent will be begging for
Pokémon :
In the Holo's deck, the Gengar line is ok, but swap one rare gengar for the
holo kind. Also, remove the Jiggly/Wiggly for 3/2 Sabrina's Drowzee/Hypno and 2
Sabrina's Mr. Mime. The normal Mime and the babies should be removed for more
The Rare Gengar is based more around control. The 50 hp gastly more
completely accomplishes this goal. Also, drop 1 holo Gengar for 1 rare one. The
Jiggly/Wiggly line should be removed for 3/2 Slowpoke/Slowking and 2 Murkrow.
The babies again should be dropped.
In the holo Gengar deck, energy costs should remain low. The hypno attacks
for 1 or 2. Gengar takes only 1 for its better attack. The highest costing
attack that you should use is the Haunter's second attack. So drop both DCE and
1 Psy.
The rare gengar deck should use a bit more energy. Drop 2 DCE and 3
Psy energy, but add 3 Dark energy.
Trainers: This needs to be rebuilt from the ground up. Both decks need 4
Bills, 2-4 Oaks, 4 Plus Power, and some Gust of wind. The 3 pokémon cut, and the
energy cut should up your trainer total a little more. Also, you only have
59 cards in your original deck, so another can be added to the trainers. I wont
put all the trainers here, so just look at the decks. I named the Holo Gengar
deck Massacre because it attacks all of their pokémon. The Rare Gengar should
get the name Ambush, because once you attack, they can't escape.
Pokémon (16)
4 Sabrina's Gastly (40
hp) 4
Sabrina's Gastly (50 Hp)
3 Sabrina's
3 Sabrina's Haunter
2 Sabrina's Gengar
(Holo) 2
Sabrina's Gengar (Rare)
3 Sabrina's
Drowzee 3
Slowpoke (Neo Genesis)
2 Sabrina's
2 Slowking
2 Sabrina's Mr. Mime (Magic Darts) 2
(16) Energy
16 Psychic
Energy 14
Psychic Energy
3 Darkness Energy
Trainers (27)
Bill 4
3 Professor
3 Professor Oak
2 Misty's
2 Misty's Wrath
2 Plus
4 Plus Power
3 Rocket's Minefeild
Gym 3
Rocket's Training Gym
4 Gold
2 Gold Berry
3 Energy
Removal 2
Eco Gym
2 Super Energy
Removal 2
Gust of Wind
4 Sabrina's Psychic
Control 4
Sabrina's Psychic Control
1 Sabrina's ESP
This should give everyone 2 different veiws on Sabrina's Gengars. Thank you
Assassin. I hope you like the decks.
-The Dark, Mysterious Destroyer of Archetype Decks