From: Sean McGill []
Sent: Tuesday, December 04, 2001 3:14 PM
Subject: Weekly Card- Guru
Hi every-body! This is Sean McGill. I haven't writen anything since October 'cause I've been really busy. But anyway I'm back with something I hope you like. Every week I will write about a card (2 if I can) and include a suggestion of how to play it. Oh yeah, I've taken a new name, too. From this moment on, I shall be called THE GURU (thunder and lightning in the backround)
Without futher adieju, I present this week's card: Fossil Ditto. (see Pojo's spoilers if you don't know what it does)
There are a few things that really make this litte purple sludge so good
1) DCE
Okay, EVERYONE knows how fast Ditto can be with this. You can Beat Up turn 1, Electroburn turn 2, and, well, use any good attack before they can. But, ERs and SERs hurt this a lot. Thats why you should attach a recycle, even if you are fully pumped. 1 Recycle, 1 DCE, and 1 "other" energy works very well. If you are SERed, you can recover next turn without a great deal of effort. It also helps for retreating, something that posed a problem for it in the past.
2) Transform
This is imfamous. Change into thier own pokemon and they'll get clobbered with thier own. Ha. But now Ditto has a big problem: Babies when ditto has 30 on him they switch for a baby and get a KO, plus they still can attack. Ow. But there still is hope. gust 'um and take them out with, say, a Scyther. Or you could play a Moo-Moo (or a potion), still keeping that Gold Berry attached.

As I stated earlier, I'll give advise on how you might want to play it. First, you can put it in virtually any deck with DCE. Comboing with Scyther for Anti-baby is a good idea. Playing it in a Dark Muk makes it even tougher to beat. (sludge-punching a baby with focus) It does well in a Clefable, but that does make for a bit too much mimicing.
Oh yeah, and although its all been said before, if you have a vendetta against Ditto, play a mulligan Magikarp(59 water, 1 Karp) because I do not like you.
ER, SER, (the blow has been cusioned) Gust, Goop (play it in a Slowking if you want to stop them) and Muk screws it,(Playing a Slowking w/ Ditto has to have a severe weakness to something) but, oh well.

Well I suppose that's it. I hope you liked it.
E-mail me at (no viruses or hate mail please)
I'm open for fixes or anything else you want to ask me about.
This is The Guru, signing off for today.