The subject of many debates... Is Iggly better than Muk, or vice versa? Well, my child, you shall now be enlightened with the truth.
Let's look at 'em first and compare:

Now, we are to compare:
M: 70 HP
I: 30 HP
Muk wins in the HP column
M: ** retreat
I: (none) retreat
Igglybuff wins in the retreat column
M: Psy weakness
I: (none) weakness
Igglybuff wins in the weakness column
M: (none) resistance
I: (none) resistance
Igglybuff and Muk are tied in the resistance column
That's about all we can compare, folks, now we have to converse. We have debating with us:
Al Gore (NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!)
Barbara Walters
Andey Rooney
Rush Limbough
Bill Clinton (NOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!)
The Beach Boys (YEEEEEEEEESSSS!!!!!!!)
Nite Owl (NO): Barbara, who's your personal favorite?
Barbara Walters (W): Well, I'd have to go with Muk, (DELETED).
NO: Um, Barbara?
W: Yes, (DELETED)?
NO: You're not supposed to say my real name. Call me Nite Owl.
W: Ok.
Clinton (C): Heh heh...
NO: What? Bill, did you laugh at her?
C: I did not laugh at that woman!
W: Yes you did.
NO: We're getting sidetracked. Let's just do a vote.
Gore (G): A vote?
NO: Oops. People, cast your answers to the question, who's your... daddy? Bill, have you been messin' with my question cards?
C: I did not mess with those cards!
NO: Sure. Anyway, the question was supposed to be, who's your favorite?
W: Muk
C: Iggly
Rooney (R): Muk
Gore (G): Iggly
Beach Boys (BB): Muk
Limbough (L): Iggly
NO: Well, it would appear to be a tie.
G: No it's not!!! Maybe there's some more votes in the closet. << interupting actual article: I hope you get a kick out of this, Matthew_end interruption>>
NO: No there's not.
G: Yes there is, let me go get 'em.
Gore leaves. A little while later, he comes back with a sack with "Official Votes" written on it. He dumps it out on the floor.
NO: "John Daschle: Iggly"?
W: "Tim Russert: Iggly"?
R: "Dick Cheney: Iggly"?
BB: "Osama bin Laden: Iggly"? Hey! Theeese, Theeeese, Theeeese, Theeeeeeeeeeese, aren't official votes!
G: Run, Bill! I'm caught! 
Clinton and Gore take off.
NO: Security!
Hillary Clinton and George W. Bush come running out and tackle the two.
G: No! They got me!
C: Come on, Hillary. I didn't mean to... the Devil made me run!
NO: It's okay. We've got it under control.
Hillary and George W. leave.
NO: So, we're at a tie.
G: Let's recount the votes!
NO: No, we're not going there. Now, Andy, please explain why you chose Muk.
R: 'd ya' ever wonder why everybody thinks Iggly is so great? I did, so I went out to find out more about it. Sure, it's a baby and all, but it only works on benched pokes, and only during your turn. It only helps against Slowking, D Plume, Aerodactly (Fossil), Forretress, Psy Celebi, R's Moltres, and a few other powers. I just thought that Muk was better.
NO: Good point. Now, Rush Limbough, why do you think Iggy's better?
L: El Rushbo here, gettin' rid of myths about Iggly's weakness. He's got speed. That's worth it all. So what if Muk is bigger? Iggly can be out in a pair by the time one Muk is. Heh he he... I'm sorry it just cracks me up to think someone actually claims Muk is better.
NO: Rush has a point too. Beach Boys, Many claim Iggly's better because it has a chance at not getting creamed by R's Zapdos, while Muk's just dead to it. Can you refute this?
BB: Well, there's only one thing to say to that:
Iggly's gonna' have
fun fun fun fun fun fun fun fun
'til Wizards takes the Z-bird awaaaaaaaay. 
NO: I see. I've noticed no one has mentioned the fact that Muk itself stops Iggly. That's got to be worth something for Muk, being a defense against Iggly.
W: And Muk is a good combo with Pichu.
The Beach Boys stop singing, Gore stops yapping, and everyone stares shocked at Barbara.
W: Yeah, Ness said not to put these two in the same deck, but think about it! Your opponent is gettin' whacked for powers they're not even getting a chance to use!
G: But Muk is gonna' get KO'd pretty soon like that...
W: That's what:
Transparent Walls
Gold Berry
... are for.
C: But it works against you, too.
W: Not if you don't run a lot of Powers through your deck.
Mumbles are heard everywhere.
NO: Thanks for the insight, Barbara. Now, Gore. I haven't asked you a question yet--
G: Shoot.
NO: As I was saying, I haven't asked you a question yet on purpose, but I have to in the name of fairness.
G: Whoo hoo! Ask! Ask!
NO: Exactly how many times did you ask for a recount in the 2000 election?
G: Um... uh... now, let me see here... Hang on.... one, two... umm... err...
NO: Time's up. Well, you missed your question Gore.
G: No I didn't! I have it right here on my calculator: Exactly
103,846,538,657,265,48.294721429 times.
NO: Whatever. Now, Bill, last question goes to you.
C: I did not--
NO: Not THAT question. Why do you think Iggly's better?
C: Well, I have to say it's because the American people like it better. And I am gonna' side with the American people, and I am going to fight for the American people.
NO: Which American people would you be talking about?
C: Those in Igglyville, Alaska and Little Rock, Arkansas.
NO: I see. Well, that's all, people. I still think Muk's better, because it can actually beat stuff, not just the powers for your turn, but believe what you want. Iggly IS the weakest link. Goodbye.
                                                          Fly Right,                                              
                                                        Nite Owl                                         
(Oh, and you can e-mail me-- no nasty stuff, hate mail, e-anthrax, advertisements, viruses, etc.-- at I do deck fixes!)

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