I am here to comment on the amazing quality of Neo 4 cards. Neo 4 is the Neo equivelent of the Team Rocket Expansion. Pokémon will be Dark, Light, of Shining.
First, Shining Pokémon. These suck in this set, but look cool. Shining cards are limit 1 per deck and are all Basics. So you think, "Yay! I can play Charizrd first turn!" Wait. There is a major drawback. All of these Pokémon have 2 or three colors for their attacks. Shining Charizard's attack reads: (LLFFF) Discard 1 L and 1 F energy from Shining Charizard when you use this attack. Flip a coin. If tails, Shining Charizard Deals 30 to himself. 100Damage. That really sucks. Thats even worse than Base Charizard, which is actually good with Typhlosion.
Now, Dark. Some of  the best cards of this set are dark. Dark Ampharos's power deals 10 damage to an opponent whenever they play an energy. Dark Feraligatr's power stops baby Pokés from attacking or using Pokémon powers. Dark Typhlosion is really bad, worse than Dark Charizard. For full translations of these cards, go to the Pojo Spoiler page and check out Neo 4.
Light Pokémon are good too. The Best is probabally Light Dragonite. His power makes all special energy cards loose all of their abilities and only provide (¤) (Colorless). His attack for 3 (¤) deals 40 (!) and stops all effects besides damage of opponent't attacks (!!).
Thank you for your time. For questions, comments, feedback, or deck fix requests, E-Mail me at James_Gundam@Hotmail.com

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