Some underated cards are really effective and I would like to point
some of them out....
Ok let the show begin:
Ladies and Gentlemen, allow me to
introduce to you our first
star. **GASTLY**
no not you Psyduck!!
Fossil Gastly-- I think
that this card is great because they
set all your other cards up for knockouts with their 10 Damage + chance
of Parlysis Attack.
Energy Retrieval helps ANY Deck.
Because they retreat for free, resist
fighing and have no
weakness they make great starters-- stalling for your bench--- even for
only one or two turn because of their free retreat cost they never get
stuck up there like Kangaskhan.
Also a Good Transition Card-- after a
guy die, just put Gastly
And to my left- a young star that
goes by the name of **Grimer**
I know u all know about Muk- but Grimer by itself is great.
It's attack is same as Grimer only it requires colorless.
1 retreat cost is good and the fact that it's a grass poke is
a good
factor because throwing it into a different type of colored deck will
provide that deck with a new weapon against other's weaknesses.
What Grimer is is a miniture Lickitung that takes an extra
gust of
wind to destroy- because it can retreat easily.
Ok my last debutant for today is....**Koffing**
It's a good grass card- better than
all those other staus effect
cards. One of the best stage one grass- right up there with scyther and
Pinsir. It kills almost everycard in 3 moves. Even if it gets
out- anyone that's been attacked by Koffing will most definitely get KO
very soon-- unless opponent WASTE trainers to save them.
Koffing should be used more often.
That's all folks
Until next time this is the
Mukster signing off.
comments welcomed at