Finally Bo Vu has come back to POJO
Already- I read some reports from the
deck mechanics and saw
some funny decks over there. Funny is not the only description if u
know what i mean.
If you'd care to know- I would like
to tell some of the trainers
out there "Why your deck isn't good!"
Ok the basics have been stressed-
i'll summarize them:
1. Have trainers that fit your theme
2. Have 1 or 2 energy type so that u're more likely to
draw them-
<if you play a successful haymaker- you don't need to read this.>
3. Have less types of pokemons and have 3 or 4 of the
ones you like
4. Evolutions should be 4-3-2 4-3 3-2 --
never 2-2 or 1-1 :
you'll never get the card
5. Use trainers that work with your pokemons- ex.
don't use Mr.
Fuji with a bunch of gastlies
6. Have enough basics: At least 11 or 12
U've heard the basic rules- but there's more
Here's the B.Ak (Bo's A$$kicking)
When u make a deck- check for these:
Weakness- if
the majority of your deck is weak to one type:
it's not good
Speed- if you can't draw cards faster
than the minumum speed in
some way while playing a NON STALL deck: it's NOT good
Energy- if you have too little energy
and get greedy with # of
Pokemons- it's NOT good energy ratio
should be a little more than
Always us DoubleColorless Energy!!!
if you don't have Colorless
guys- Your deck is not of FULL potential
Trainers: check to see if you
have enough trainers for your
guys to be effective- don't use POTIONS if you use Plus power
don't use Pokeflute if you- scratch that: don't use
don't use the undependable cards such as POKEBALL and
Revive----- if you can ALWAys use the dependable ones- such as Comp
search and Bills
Your deck is lost without a prof.
oak: unless u stall- ALWAYS
have at least one
Enough babbling: here's the best way
to realize your deck's
Shuffle and draw 7 cards- pretend you're playing: if
you can not get the card that you want out in play in less than 5
turns: your deck needs work
Check up the popular Pokemons- see if you have at least
one card with the upper edge over it; if u don't your deck needs work
Check all Popular Pokemon Powers- if any one of them can
beat you almost everytime: make sure you have a way around them.
That means:
you need to have guys that can hit Mr. Mime
You need to be faster than RAINDANCE or
have a guys that are specific RAINdance killers
Those are the only killer ones- just
make sure u have guys that are fast enough to get around the other
You also have
to be abled to absorb Haymaker's beating.
That means you will have to eighter be faster than they are- or flexible
enough to counter- p.s. potions will not save you!
If your deck meets the things asked for above- it's
pretty good
doesn't- eighter too slow, too messy, too
independable, too weak to one type, too weak to one pokemon power----
or too anything else that keeps on making you lose-- Fix it up using
the B.Ak. guideline. You will have an good deck guaranteed!
Feel free to post articles under mine
if you want to add
something I miss.
I you smelllll what Bo Vu is >-) Cooking
comments welcomed at