Mr. Dawson has come up with a not-so-unique recommendation to fix the
environment.  I'll discuss this topic to the best of my ability...

First, I would like to make it clear that I am not a die-hard archetype nut.  
However, I would also like to make it clear I'm speaking common sense here.  
I'm being as logical about this as I can be.  Anyways; here goes...

The common/uncommon/rare point system (use the real names, not the shape of
the symbols) has been suggested multiple times by many people.  It is meant
to level the playing field out for those who have less access to rare cards.  
I understand that rationale, but I still dislike this system.  Why?  It
doesn't fix the brokenness that already exists in the game.  The same
archetypes will still run amuck.  Why?  Many unbalanced cards are commons or
uncommons.  Check out the following list:

Unbalanced Commons:
      Erika's Jigglypuff*
      Energy Removal*
      Assorted others

Unbalanced Uncommons:
      Magmar (f)*
      Professor Oak***
      Erika's Dratini
      Assorted others

All those limitations would do is promote cards like Erika's Jigglypuff and
knock out the chances of other cards, like Dk. Vileplume.  Yes, it would make
the game slightly more affordable, but at what cost?  It kills the original
deck concepts that have just started to establish themselves and makes the
game even more broken.
