I've been reading articles all over the place and they all think that
banning cards will make everything fun and happy in the world of Pokemon TCG.
 Well, I don't think this will make much of a difference.  
      You see I've been playing the Pokemon TCG for all the time it has been
out and have seen it first had evolve into the way it is now.  When I first
started every new rare and hollow I got from a booster pack I just had to put
into my deck.  But when I went to my first tournament and lost I learned from
what the top placers were doing and copied that.
      Well, that's what I see is going to start happening if card banning
happens.  A good player will make a new deck that is original and start
destroying the playing field.  After a while players will start to duplicate
the deck and then it'll all be the same again like it is now.  There might
not be haymaker or wiggly or sneasel anymore but there will be about the same
number of new decks that just tear up the field.  Then what more bannings?  
Unlike a lot of people I know I liked prop 15/3 because my friend and I would
always make new restrictions which would make it more fun and I really liked
the article in the Pojo magazine where they made a tournament with the Gym
      So in conclusion I see the only way of getting rid of the wiggly or
haymaker is to make a better haymaker or wiggly.  So I hope anyone who reads
this will take this into consideration.  Remember this comes from first hand
experience of tournaments and friendly battles.

Send your comments, complaints, and questions to...  jlindy5@aol.com