Hi all you Pojomaniacs.
I was reading Edo's Translation of the NEO3 set and I came across a cool
120  HP
Weakness:F Resitance:P(-30)
Pokemon Power: Egg Layer
When you play Blissey from your hand, Remove 4 damage counters from
Blissey then flip a coin, if heads remove 4 more damage counters from

CCCC Body Slam    30
Flip a coin, if heads the defending pokemon is now paralyzed

Here's the combo. Evolve Chansey to Blissey  using egg layer to remove 40
or 80 damage from Blissey the use Devolution spray to return Blissey to
your hand. You now have a chancey with (hopefully) 0 damage on it, ready
to dubble edge again, Repeat and win!(hopefully)

All Mail to: klinkman2@juno.com
Translation by edo. Visit his website. There is a link in the spoilers
and translations section.
I might not have the traslation right.