How to Beat Archetypes for Dummies
Archetype Arch-Villains
Lately, I've noticed many an article basically shouting "Death to Archetypes!" For the most part, I seem to be one of the few pro-Archetype message posters out there. However, I'm not going to waste my time and yours bashing/praising Archetypes and those who use them. Instead, I'm going to attempt to give my advice on how to play straight through current Archetypes. If you know what's popular in your can create a killer counter and take the tourney with ease. But, let's begin with some analysis.
*Popular Pokes*
Rocket's Zapdos
Hitmonchan (sorta...he's dying out...but he still lurks in dark corners)
Promo Mewtwo (about the same as Chan)
Keep in mind...I'm going by what's popular in my if I left something out...please forgive me. Anyway...all of these pokes have SOME kind of weakness...even if it's not listed on the card. What I mean is, there is some way to kill these things off quickly or keep them from becoming a major threat. Let's look at some cards I have found that work very well in countering these popular pokemon.
Gligar--Resists Hitmonchan; Hits Puff/Tuff and Electabuzz Weakness.
My new best friend :) I
recently tossed him in my tourney deck and had incredibly good luck with him.
Other than the obvious weakness/resistance I already pointed out...he has
pretty good HP (60), a CC attack for 20, and free retreat. point
out the obvious...he has resistance to Hitmonchan, and can hit Puff/Tuff and
Electabuzz for 40 first turn. Something I've really come to like about
him can be used as a sneak attacker, unlike Scyther (who's nearly the same).
What I mean is, you can keep him in your hand until he's needed to
attack...and launch a quick 40 with a DCE. Your opponent will have never
expected it. Very nice in my opinion. Watch out for Scyther's,
though. One shot, and Gligar takes a nap in the discard pile.
Ditto--Hits Promo Mewtwo Weakness; Counters TR Zapdos, Sneasel, Ditto
Yes, I know Ditto was in my list of
popular threats...but he's just too good. He can be used to take out
alot more than what I listed...but those stand out in my mind. The best
thing about Ditto is you can power up twice as fast as your opponent with a
DCE. A tactic I've used more than once is to gust out an energy-less
Mewtwo, attach an energy and use Energy Absorption for two DCE's (if
possible). Now I have a 5 energy Ditto, and the Mewtwo's dead in one
shot. He can use TR Zapdos Electroburn without taking damage...which
will kill the Zapdos in one shot. He can copy Sneasel's Beat Up with
just one DCE and start hitting ALOT quicker than the opponent. And, if
your opponent has a Ditto with at least 5 counters on it...send in your Ditto
for an automatic KO, and hopefully, another one that turn. Watch out for
GOW. If Ditto gets gusted back with 5 or more counters...he's gone.
Even so, it's an excellent card.
Neo Magmar--Hits Scyther Weakness
Ok, so he's pretty limited on the
uses...I'll give you that. But one of the best things about it is his
OWN weakness. In my area, at least, there is almost NO water played.
So, Magmar doesn't have to worry about getting killed quite so quickly.
Also...he hits HARD. CC for 20, and RRC for 40 (he's my hitmonchan
replacement. It's almost identical to it.). I usually attach a DCE
and then two R so I can cover his CC retreat later. Very good card,
especially if you play fire as your primary color.
Well, I've given you something to
kill everything on the list. These aren't the only Pokes that can do the
job, but these are just the ones I have found particularly useful. Now,
to look at specific deck types.
*Turbo Tuff*
Puff/Tuff, Scyther, and alot of colorless types (sometimes replaced by hays from "The List"), high number of basics
High trainers, mostly searching/drawing to get wiggly out, and usually NGR's to get back energy/wiggly, RSA is also common
Low energy, usually 14-18 (18 is a rarity)
So, how do we take care of this
deck. Other than the creatures I suggested earlier...there is but one
card you really need. Sprout Tower. This card reads "Laugh at
Wigglytuff as it's Do The Wave does a max of 30 damage".
Actually...reduces all colorless attacks by 30. So, keep plenty of
Sprout Towers and Item Finders in case they play a gym as well. Also,
ER/SER hit that low energy count hard...and Gust of Wind takes out a wiggly
before it gets started. Lass will shut them down without
drawing/searching...wigglytuff is pretty weak.
Low Pokemon count...usually 12-14 (anyone from "The List" could appear).
High trainer count, usually in the form of drawing and board disruption (ER/SER, Gust of Wind, Scoop Up, etc.)
Low to Moderate energy count, anywhere from 16-20
Here we are...the Haymaker. How do we take care of
this titan? Well, one nice way is to slap down an Erika's Jigglypuff,
DCE, and three Plus Powers. This can win you many games before they get a Haymaker on average gets one starting Pokemon. Also, Lass
will reduce them to just straight beatdown for awhile...while you take
advantage of the situation by ***resisting them or hitting their weakness***
(this is the best way I've found to take care of a Hay). ER/SER aren't
quite as effective, as most Hays have a first turn attack.
Low Pokemon count
Ridiculously high trainer count
Very low energy count
I personally have not played
one...but I have a few ideas on how to stop them. Erika's Jigglypuff
will help you once again (for the same reason)...but that's if you don't get
your hand taken from you. To prevent's Cleffa to the rescue.
Draw yourself a brand new hand. If they try and pull the trap
again...they are just wasting valuable cards. A smart player, however,
would wait until the Cleffa is dead before springing the sieze the
opportunity to Lass them (you'll want to sieze ANY opportunity to Lass them
before they use the trap), or at least set up your own assault force.
Also, you'll need some sort of Gym to counter their Chaos Sprout
Tower wouldn't be a bad idea. With Trap's massive first turn can probably deck them with relative ease...just use Scoop Ups
and attacks like Scrunch and Thundershock or even Baby Pokes (like Cleffa) to
keep damage off the board.
Well, I hope this helped somebody.
Without a doubt...someone will email me or reply to this post and say
"What about Raindance?! What about Occult Powers?! What about
Goldeen in the Atlantic?!" :) I hardly call these Archetypes.
Archetype by definition is a deck that is widely used. Just because it
may be good does not make it an Archetype. Raindance is really an
Archetype of yesteryear. With the high usage of Electabuzz and TR Zadpos,
ol' Blasty just hasn't seen much action lately. Also, don't yell about
Archetypes that are yet to come. Yes, I'm sure I'll see alot of
Feraligatr decks in the near future...but it isn't really popular just yet.
Hopefully someday soon, I will be able to write a much lengthier report on
Archetypes. Instead of covering three...I would like to be able to cover
15 or so. But, A Lass...I mean, alas, there just aren't that many.
Well, that's enough from me. Feedback is welcome and appreciated.
I look forward to hearing from you all. Thanks for reading.
Austin ^_^