(Pokémon Science Lab)
Holy Sock: Ya know, I was browsing through the past TCG Strategies (like I always do.) and I saw a rant parody. I thought it was funny, so I decided to do my own, for Archetype complainers.
Mew Sock: Lights! Camera! Action!
Mew Sock: Parody mode on! BEGIN PARODY IGNITION!
(P.S, The below is pure sarcasm. If you do not know what a parody is, do not read this)
------------------------------Parody Begin----------------------
Duh, hi everybody, my name is *Censored*. Today, I shall spam up the CGT Strategies by ranting about Arch-types. I'm gonna get alot of compliments, since everyone hates Arch-types, so here we go.
Why do people play Arch-types? y do people play Arch-types? The reson is, evry1 is a big hoser! They have to win by playing Gaymakers, Wigglysnot deck, Crappers and even Lamedances. They always beat mesa BS Gastly deck, which has a wining Streak of 0-999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999,999 (P.S I'm the best player in the world.). They always use sucky pokeyman crds like Rawckets Zappydoes, Wogglytoff, ONT, etc. and don't use any of the "bad" cards like BS Gastly, Giovanni, BS Porlygon, snadshrwe, etc. please people, stop using your *bleep*ing arch-types, they're unoriginal. Use a BS. Gastly Deck instead. AND ADD MORE POKEYMAN TO YOUR DECK, LESS TRAINERS, MORE POKEYMAN!
Any why do people hate Barney! He rocks da world. I wear Barney diapers to school every day!
thats alwpdx                            
                                                  my emial is *Deleted*
                                                           another master article by:
---------------------------------Parody End-------------------------------------------
Holy Sock: See how dumb that all sounded! That is what's commonly heard br Archetype haters!
Mew Sock: We aren't the biggest fans of Archetypes either, but at least we don't complain about them.
Holy Sock: This is me and Mew Sock, signing off
                                                                                                                       *~Holy Sock~*
                                                                                                                       *~Mew Sock~*
             Questions, Comments, and ?Hastemails from people who don't know what a parody is can be sent to Mewdude4eva@hotmail.com