We all know, and have
witnessed, the wonders on First Turn Attacks. Only a few GOOD Poke'mon have
this ability, such as Hitmonchan, Rocket's Zapdos, Electabuzz, Rocket's
Hitmonchan, and others, while still being able to do considerable damage. Some
articles say that cards like these should be banned, but I disagree with them,
for obvious reasons.
Take Articuno, for
example. It is used in every Raindance, but it can't attack until turn your
THIRD unless it has Blastoise's assistance by using its Poke'mon
Power, Raindance, as Articuno's attacks are extremely powerful, and Blizzard can
be combined with Brock if it backfires. To top that off, No Weakness, Fighting
Resistance and only two Colorless retreat just simply can't go down the
And this is one
of the reason why people always use these cards: Electabuzz, Hitmonchan,
Rocket's Zapdos, Lapras, Rocket's Hitmonchan, Ditto(depends on which Poke'mon
it Transforms into), and even Scyther, though it's not in the first turn
catergory, but we have to take into account that Swords Dance doubles damage,
it doesn't deal it...
So, before you say that cards like these
should be banned, remember WHY.
Wouldn't you like first turn attacks for great
damage? That's a good deal!
But WAIT!!!!!!!!!! I have a new rule!!!!
From now on...
If you send me emails concerning my articles
before I even know it is posted, I will delete it, UNLESS....
- You present me valid, constructive
criticisms, consisting of three paragraphs(no more, no less) and it
concernes the whole article. I don't care about the size, as long as it does
not go into the range of between 1 - 5 sentences(I was going to make it 1 to
10 sentences, you're lucky).
I am sorry for the inconvenience caused, and I
know this is hard for some people, but please realize that I have do a
life outside Poke'mon.
Thanks for hearing me out!!!!
- UltraMaster64