Dear Pojo,

Some people think sleep sux, but they are wrong. The official rule book says
the following about sleep.

Asleep, If a Pokémon is Asleep, it can't attack or retreat. As soon as a
Pokémon is Asleep, turn it  sideways to show that it's Asleep. After each
player's turn, flip a coin. On a heads, the Pokémon wakes up (turn the card
back right-side up), but on a tails it's still Asleep, and you'll have to
wait until after the next turn to try to wake it up again.

As you can see it says a players sleeping pokemon wakes up if they flip
heads AFTER a players turn is over. Now lets see what a turn really is.

(Again this is a direct quote)

1.DRAW a card
2.DO ANY of the following in any order and as often as you like:
-Put a Basic Pokémon on the Bench
-Evolve a Pokémon in play
-Attach an Energy card to a Pokémon (only once per turn)
-Play a Trainer card
-Retreat your Active Pokémon
-Use a Pokémon Power
3.ATTACK with your Active Pokémon
4.Your turn is OVER now

Theirfore after a turn means after they attck and end their turn, but they
can't attack so they miss an attack then flip.

For those of you who aren't following this it means,

Fred's turn: haunter use hypnosis, charmander is asleep. Fred has attacked
and ended his turn so he flips,.... Tails! charmander is still asleep.

Jim's turn: Jim can't get rid of sleep so his turn ends without him
attacking. Jim flips, Heads. charmander wakes up.

Some of you are probably thinking so what, charmander woke up so haunter
can't use dream eater. well look at it this way by using sleep
you prevented charmander from attacking.

So for all of you who think sleep sux and paralizes rocks your wrong they
both have the same effect. Paralize has 50\50 chance of working and sleep
has a 50\50 chance of working.

If any one disagrees or has a different veim e-mail me at

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Merry Fred
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