A while back in KD, there was a grass deck that used gloom.  I thought 'what
the?', but then I realized the potential.
Here's the deck:


Energy: (22)
19 Grass Energy

Pokemon (19)
4 Oddish
3 Gloom
2 Scyther

4 Doduo
3 Dodrio
1 Kangaskhan
2 Rhyhorn

Trainers: (19)
4 Bill
3 Gambler
3 Computer Search
3 Switch
4 Gust of Wind
2 Scoop Up

How to play:
This deck could best be classified as a "combo" deck.  The combo is Gloom
and Dodrio working together. How is that?  First, Gloom uses it's nasty
smelling foul odor to confuse.  Then, on your next turn, try to retreat by
using retreat aid (and sending out dodrio), and if you can't but are
desperate to retreat, use a switch.  Then retreat dodrio, and poisonpowder. 
Since confusion and poison don't cancel each other, this sets up a nasty
combo that's very hard to deal with (in any deck).  Use the other pokemon to
stall if you don't have the right cards, and use the trainers for speed and

Other Pokemon:
Support, support, support.
Scyther:  good all around.
Kangaskhan:  Use to draw you lots and lots of cards.
Rhyhorn:  He's only there for Leering at your opponent.

How to play the trainers:
Bill, Gambler: You all know how it works.
Comp. Search: Use it wisely!
Switch: Use if dodrio isn't around.
The gusts:  Shuts down raindance, damage swap, and all your opponents
un-powered big guns.
Scoop up:  Gets the high retreaters outta there, now!

Gust o' wind can totally screw you if you keep Kangaskhan or Rhyhorn on the
bench too long.  FS Magmar could be the president of the anti-oddish
society, but other than that, this deck is pretty stable and darn fun to

Doduoboy "doduo rules!"
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