Blastoise cannot do 60 damage first turn. You can't even have a Blastoise first turn. Also, no Poke'mon can take a steady 60 or 50 damage, eh? What about Chansey, which in his list takes 5th position? 120 HP, yes, but Scrunch only works half the time, and it doesn't prevent status effects, but, still, it's the perfect staller.
NEW RULES!!!!!!!
When emailing me, TRY not to:
(1) Use all Caps, unless you mean to shout.
(2) Do not use letters to abbreviate words. It looks stupid to see half your email with letters abbreviating words(e.g u, ur, etc.) I know you want to finish your emails quickly, but I don't do it, you shouldn't do it, either.
(3) NO swearing under ANY circumstances to me or anyone else. I, for one, would not like it if people were saying foul language about that person or myself.
(4) Criticisms MUST be constructive. Don't Email stuff like ''How can you play Devolution Spray on Dark Vileplume if you can't play Trainers?'' which is a very good example of an unconstructive criticism. I've replied to almost everyone who asked me this, and they know the answers to this question.
    I will still read your emails, but you MUST abide by Rules #3 and #4, that is, if you want your Emails to be taken seriously. Don't put a lot of seriousness in your Emails to me unless you're trying to make a point.
UltraMaster64, signing out.