Happy 2001 Pojoholics! The JoZ had a good one and I hope you did too.

Over the break, I kept strategizing on the Pokemon TCG. I realized a widely
overlooked fact....


Most people want hard hitting BBP or Wiggly. Sometimes even the rare
evolution deck with hard hitting stage ones..possibly even a stage 2.

Status changes are not a big part of many people's metagame. Thus they shelve
Pokemon with such abilities for the cheap, quick attacks.

Look at all the status effects:
*Sleep MAY prevent a opponent from attacking. Auto-sleep isnt bad in most
*Paralyzation prevents an attack or retreat next turn. Not bad, but almost
always needs a flip.
*Confusion is nice, possibly preventing an opp. attack and dealing 20 damage
to themselves. Again, a flip is needed more often than not.

Poison on the other hand, adds a 10 (or 20) extra damage per turn. With out
reatreating or a Full Heal, the def. Pokemon is in trouble.

Poison is one of the most powerful aspects of the game. To illustrate, look
at this deck:


3 Nidoking
3 Nidoran(M)
3 Scyther
3 Dark Muk
3 Grimer(Fossil)
3 Oddish (Rocket)

3 Breeders
3 Oak
3 Computer Search
2 No Removal Gym
3 Gust of Wind
3 Pokemon Traders
3 Switch

21 Grass Energy

This deck is a great example of a poison deck. Nidoking, Dark Muk and Rocket
Oddish ALL have auto-poison. Plus Nidoking's does 20 Poison damage, and Dark
Muk has a killer Power. This would be a killer status effect deck that I
would be leery of facing.

While status effect and poison may not be for everyone, it is definetly
something that should not be overlooked.

I'm out for now

Email: JoZmaster14@aol.com

*Deck problems? Need deck advice? Email me*

The JoZ