Howdy, folks! With Neo out, there are just some really cool trainers that I’d like to share with everyone. So, without further ado, here are my Top 5 Neo Trainers!


5: Super Rod- Tails won’t fail! Heads, pull an Evolution card out of discard. Tails, a Basic. If you need either, the coin flip doesn’t even matter!


4: Double Gust- Switch and GOW combined. Retreat your weak active Pokemon, then get rid of their big, bad active


3. Ecogym- That DCE removal is still a major threat, but the enviroment is now safe from ER. If your opponent tries to remove it, it goes straight back to the hand. Just reattach, and you’re good to go.


2. Gold Berry- Remove 4 damage counters, and no discarding or shuffling! And you can set it up as a proxy, too!


1. Sprout Tower- All of a sudden, Wiggly’s not so Tuff, now. Ding-dong, the king is dead! Reducing the wave, and all damage by Colorless Pokemon, by 30 is a surefire way to neutralize him. If Wiggly’s big in your area, put a few of these puppies in your deck!


I’ll bet everyone out there and their long-lost second cousin has a "Where’s this?" or "This should be here!" or "This doesn’t belong here!" to tell me about, and that’s fine. I appreciate constructive feedback. Just nothing nasty, please. Thanks, and be sure to send your busted decks to me for fixing! My deck garage is up-and-running, and my first fix should be posted within the next few TCG Strategies page updates. Until next time, I’m Jeff Betten, and you’re not


Jeff Betten