-Fat (censored)
                            Austin Powers II: The spy who shagged me

 note from author:
baby pokemon are not to be eaten!!!

Out of all the babys, only two are any good.
Heres my ratings in increasing order.(out of ten)

Magby: 2
Stratigies: Throw in fireplace ASAP.

Pichu: 4
Stratigies: Barely decent, because It will usally do twenty
to somebody.Ok with Erika's Perfume or pokemon flute.

Cleffa: 7
Stratigies:Replenish your deck, get a fresh hand,
or stall, your choice.

Electrakid: 8.5
Stratigies: You're probably thinking "say WHAT?!!!"
when you saw my rating, but here's why.
He is an excellent electric splash since his attack does use weakness.
He is the first pokemon to be able to attack without any energy,
and from the bench! No retreat cost, and a baby rule.
People may not realize it but this is easily the best 30 hp
pokemon and playable in any deck.

Name's Zach Manning
Email me at Zachary13m@hotmail.com
I'm also a pretty good deck builder,
and 3-time tourney winner.