Hi, Pojomaniacs! Mister Jolt here! Here to tell about my five 30 HP
pokemon! Each Pokemon has 30 HP, making them easy to knock out. Here we

#5  Base Diglett
This guy is solid! Two F for 30 ensures the death of Jiggly in one hit!
Buzz and Wiggly in two! Sprout Tower and Defender make Wiggly do only
10! Buzz does none on turn one, and maybe 10 on turn 2! Zip retreat
makes him sweet!

#4 Natu
A cute little psychic that can hurt the bench pretty bad! Resistance to
fighting is also nice. Weakness to own type is lethal though!

#3 Pichu
He's got the Baby Defense, plus an attack that does 20 to Dk Dragonair,
Blastoise, Venusaur, Charizard, Dk Vileplume and Snorlax. No weakness
and 0 retreat is nice, but all Baby Pokemons have that too.

#2 Magby
A walking Goop Gas Attack with damaging capabilites! A single Energy to
stop Blastoise and Alakazam in their tracks!

#1 Cleffa (obviously)
Unlimited Prof Elms! Sweet! It would be even better if it had damaging