Hello Everyone! FlareonMaster here, The article i shall write about
today is the Top 15 Neo cards. Neo Genesis is changing the TCG in many
ways now. Of course there's still the archtypes but oh well anyway lets
go over the top 15 cards.

1. Recycle Energy- This card is just amazing! It can be used for
retreating, SER, or just a colorless energy. This is a great card.

2. Sprout Tower- Yes! For all you wiggly haters you cried once you saw
this card. Sure another gym can knock it out but that's IF they have a
gym to do that.

3. Gold Berry - Attach this to Rockets zap do electro burn and heal him
at the "between turn" and he'll be ready for another burn. This is also
great with chansey and other high HP pokemon. Solid Trainer.

4. Professor Elm - Very nice card you wont lose your hand like an oak
but you cant use trainers after you use this card. Still a great card

5. Elekid - Playful Punch is a great if you have no other way of
attacking your opponent. Elekid on a bench can be deadly at times.

6 Cleffa - The cutest baby pokemon! eeek! is great as well after using a
lass eeek and get 7 cards and leave your opponent trainer less.

7. Slowking - Argh!!!! Mind games can be such a pain! and just think 4
slowkings on your opponents bench *shudders*

8. Meganium - !!! What a pokemon power! 100HP!!  A great card for grass

9. EcoGym - This will be in every deck that has Sneasel or steelix
guaranteed. not unless sneasel and steelix players don't understand this

10. Sneasel - Yes yes everyone calls this the best card. I don't agree
sneasel is the biggest energy hog ive ever seen. But if you get a full
bench and 2 dark energies on him you'll be doing some huge damage.

11. Mary - Draw 2 and put back 2 unwanted cards. Very helpful.

12. Both Typholosions - One pokemon that can attach 4 fire energy from
your deck to him. And the other one's power can attach a fire to any
fire pokemon and it can be used every turn! great cards.

13. Steelix - 110 Hp Tail crush can do a possible 50. And the steel
energy reduces 10 damage if he is attacked. Magmars will have a tuff

14. Steel Energy - A must if you have steelix in your deck the downside
about this is that you can only have 4! :P!

15. Dark Energy - An Energy and pluspower combined. Of course these
cards will always be targeted by ER and SER but if sneasel gets a hold
of 2 of these his beat up attack will inflict major damage. Oh and it
works with dark pokemon from the Rocket set!

And there you go. The top 15 neo cards sure there is more good ones but
these cards will be the ones to show up in alot of decks especially the
famous sneasel. That's it for now. Thanks to everyone that read my
