Ok, many people do not know this because the gym series haven't been out for too long. Erika's dratini is great but Erika's Dragonair is a terrific end game pokemon. Sure, Blizzard isn't too much of a threat but the second attack is. (You and your oppenent both suffle their active pokemon and all the cards attached to it into their deck.)
This is the trick, this trick is good against decks that have lots of strong evolution pokemon. First, use gust of wind to gust out the opponent's most powered up pokemon, then, boom, its energies and pokemon go bye bye and all those turns wasted on attaching them. It doesn't really work for Raindances unless you do it to blastoise. Remember, Have bench pokemon to back up Erika's Dragonair!
Hope this helped, write to me with any suggestions or decks that you want me the review at magawinger@hotmail.com and please, no hate mail.