Yes Erika's Dratini is the one of the best basics of all time.Here are some points to back it up.1st off all its Pokemon Power which states that if E's Dratini is hit by a basic and it does 20 or more reduce that damage to 10!Great Power against Scys Mew2 Chan and Buzz.Tail Strike aint bad either really.Does 10 flip heads for 20 extra.Psychic Restaint as well.Add Potion Energy and Defenders and Power Pluses and other great trainers and E's Dratini could be a good staller against hays.If oppo brings out Evolution just use a switch or retreat(HIS RETREAT IS ONE !!!!!!!!!!).and bring out something useful like Mr.Mime Chansey or a hay.But plz for god's sake dont bring out a Base Charizard they are out of it forever seriously.And another good point is that lots of people just use basics so Erika's Dratini could be even more useful!Buy those Erika decks to get Erika's Dratini!!!!!!!!Peace out
Ryan Farran