Sent: Saturday, December 22, 2001 8:41 AM
Subject: Shining Gyarados+Base Alakazam+Neo 3 Suicune by Baller
Hey yo, listen up everyone i got a good strategy for all you die-hard duelers. This strategy mostly depends on Base Alakazam because you are going to need his Pokemon Power:Damage Swap. Shining Gyarados needs to be your active pokemon or you will definitely waste time having to retreat and discard energies. Shining Gyarados's attack called Outrage does 30 damage plus 10 more damage for each damage counter on Shining Gyarados. The drawback of this attack is that you have to flip a coin. Heads the attack is a success,if tails it does nothing.If you were to swap 50 damage on to Shining Gyarados he would do 80 damage with Outrage(If you flipped a heads)per turn. What makes this strategy even better is that Shining Gyarados is a Basic pokemon but you can only use 1 in your deck. With the Pokemon Breeder Fields trainer you can speed up Base Alakazam's evolution(once again if you get heads! Don't you just hate coin flips?!)while w


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