Hell! Genki Xelloss here, with my first editorial-ish thing for Pojo, so why
not pick one of Justin Searles's wonderful creations to rant about? Right now
I have my faithful pet cabbit, Ryu-ohki to help!(=P And no, he -isn't- a
pokemon to the Tenchi Muyo! illitarate) Say hi to everyone Ryu-chan! Ryu:
>^.^< Mrow! GX: x.o; Oh well, i'll translate then.  Well, lets get to the

> Justin: ARCHETYPE! Is there no word more thrilling to the human soul? Well,
>  maybe "Free 1st Edition Base Charizards," but that's another story.
>  Archetypes are getting more and more annoying. They must be destroyed!
>  Mewtwo: Had enough?
>  Justin: Yep.
>  Nyuura: Time for us to step in. The first Archetype on the chopping block,
>  Raindance! The elements of Raindance are: Water Pokemon, Blastoise, and
>  Trainers. So, this elements are going to be destroyed one by one.
>  Justin: Here it is, my genuine Raindance stopper, FLOODGATE!

>  FLOODGATE v. 1.0

>  4 Electabuzz (Base)
>  4 Voltorb (TR)
>  3 Electrode (Base)
>  4 Oddish (TR)
>  3 Dark Gloom
>  2 Dark Vileplume

>  4 Lass
>  4 Rocket's Sneak Attack
>  3 Goop Gas Attack

>  16 Electric Energy
>  13 Grass Energy

>  Justin: Now, the method behind the madness:

>  -Electabuzz: Lapras killer
>  -Electrode: Blastoise killer
>  -Dark Vileplume: Stops Trainers
>  -Lass and Rocket's Sneak Attack: Pick out Trainers
>  -Goop Gas Attack: Stops Rain Dance

Now, 29 energy?? And 16 energy for, what, just because Electrode uses a
whopping -3- energy to attack? That number of energy shouldn't be used in any
deck or you'll find yourself with a hand of energy more often than not. But
wait! You could just SEARCH for the cards you need! Oh wait, I forgot. There
is no card drawing or searching whatsoever in this deck! Sure, you might say
"With Dark Vileplume out, the trainers are useless!", but with no way to
search for the DV to get it out, you'lll find him in play once in a long

Ryu-ohki: Can I say something?

GX: ^^; Sure..

Ryu-ohki: Raindance decks are built on speed... Sure, you might be able to
pick out the trainers with Rocket's Sneak Attack and Lass, but be aware that
it just -shuffles- them back in the deck, it doesn't get rid of them. Sure,
Goop Gas Attack can stop the Rain Dance from working, but this is only a stop
gap measure. It only temperarily disables the Rain Dance, so the turn after
you'll be in a lot of trouble. Plus, with no searching, Oaks, or Bills, it'd
take a -lot- of luck to be able to get a Dark Vileplume out early enough to
stop the Rain Dance player from already having a ton of energy on all of his
Pokemon. Oh, and you forget about Articuno, the heavily played basic
legendary bird with no weakness. Ah, I feel better now. >^.^<

GX: o.x Anyway, my suggestion for Rain Dance control is Fossil Muks, and
strong electric Pokemon such as the Electabuzzes and Electrodes used in this
deck. Even Dark Vileplume decks need Trainers in their decks. Oh well, I hope
I haven't bored everyone with my rants. ^^; Oh well, Ja ne!

(P.S.: The rarity is what makes the 1st edition Charizards worth so much. I
don't think they'd be worth anything if they were free. =\)