Hiya, wusup? It's Jerm again with Cards that aren't used (ect. ect.) Today,
Misty's Golduck! Here we go!
Stage 1 Evolve's from Misty's Psyduck
70 HP
WC- Electro Beam (40)
Flip a coin. If tails discard all energy cards attached to Misty's
Flip a coin. If heads, choose 1 energy card attached to each of your
opponent's pokemon that has any Enrgy Cards and discard it.
Weakness- Grass
Reatreat Cost- 1
This card is awsome. 2 Energies for a solid 40, and maybe no discard; and,
You can remove 6 energies at a time!?!? Two Pluspowers knocks out most Fire
pokemon for two energies, and You can slow your opponent down by 6 turns!
let's face it. Misty's Psyduck smells. But This is an awsome card. I give
8.5/10, because you cold get all tails.
Check in soon for Erika's Dragonair!
This is Jerm, SuperCleffa@aol.com, signing off!