My name is Ryland and this is my first report.  The reason for this report is
to help all the people out there that started the pokemon league late.  Most
of you are probably a few badges behind and fell like your never going to
catch up.  This deck may help, its called Lava Burst:

Pokemon: 4
4xBlaine's Magmar

Trainers: 9
4xGust of wind

Energy: 47

Blaine's Magmar     HP:60

R: Firebreathing    10+
    Flip a coin.  If heads, this attack does 10 damage plus 10 more damage;
if tails, this attack does 10 damage.

RRR: Lava Burst    20x
    Discard the top 5 cards of your deck. (If there are fewer than 5 cards in
your deck, discard all of them.)  This attack does 20 damage for each R
Energy card you discarded in this way.

    Most of you are thinking "That deck will never win."  Well, it's not
designed to win. It's designed to get points.  While using this deck, win or
lose, the match goes very fast, 2-5 turns.  Either you get Lava Burst powered
up and roast them with up to 100 damage per turn or they kill Magmar. 
Because of such quick games you can get in around 15-25 matches in one
league.  Even if you lose every game, there's 150-250 points.  That's half a
badge!!!  Thanks to Pojo for posting this and making such a great site and to
everyone who read this.  Until next time....

Ryland Pigg