Hiya, It's Jerm again with Cards that aren't used but--You know the rest. As
promised, Today is Erika's Dragonair! (doo doo doo) The stats!

Stage 1 Evolves from Erika's Dratini
Erika's Dragonair 80 HP

CCC [30] Flip a coin. If heads, this attack does 10 damage to each of your
opponents benched pokemon. If tails, this attack does 10 damage to each of
your own benched pokemon. (Don't apply weakness and resistace for benched

CCCC Take away  Shuffle Erika's Dragonair and all cards attached to it into
your deck. Then, your opponent shuffles his or her active pokemon and all
cards attached to it into his or her deck.

Resistance- Psychic -30
Reatreat cost-CC

OK,  OK,   I know i said COMMON cards, but Erika's Dratini is so popular,
This card doesn't show up!

I will skip Blizzard, because, it smells.

Take away is great if your opponent has no bench and you do. You win!
Take away is also good if Erika's Dragonair used Blizard 5 times and killed
your whole bench, but 1, and He is so embarresed he wants to go hide in the
This card....Stinks....I don't know why I reviewed it....5/10. Soon, I'll
send in a good report like my other 2! =)

I'm Jerm, I'm awsome, I rule, I rock Ect.