I liked Matt Haithcock's idea of a no rare deck.  I have one of my own, and
it functions very well.  There's a small story behind it...

My aunt (who I drew into the TCG and is now into it as much as I am)
challenged me to make a "play deck", because all of my decks were Wiggly, or
Raindance, and I had no real deck to play against something non-archetypical
that she'd create.  So, I thought a no-rare deck might level the playfield.

My first thought was, who can do the most damage with commons and uncommons?  
The answer came to me in about 15 seconds of thinking...ARCANINE.  He's an
uncommon, the DCE you need to get him up by turn 3 is uncommon, and the Gold
Berry that will eventually heal you is uncommon.

Now I ran into a problem.  I usually run 3 or 4 Computer Search in all of my
decks.  It took me a while to realize that it would have a very unstable
counterpart, Rocket's Secret Experiment.
(For those of you who don't know the card, it's more or less, "Flip a coin.  
If heads, search your deck for any card.  If tails, you can't play Trainers
until the END of your NEXT turn.)
That's two turns without trainers!  But it's a last resort, and I had no
other choice...so without further adieu, the No Rare Arcanine:

Pokemon: 15 (9 basic)
3 Fossil Magmar (stall/poison)
3 Charmander
3 Charmeleon (50 damage)
3 Growlithe
3 Arcanine (50 or 80)

Trainers: 25
3 Oak
3 Bill
3 Rocket's Secret Experiment
3 Gust of Wind
3 Energy Removal
3 Nightly Garbage Run
3 Pluspower
4 Gold Berry

Energy:  20
14 Fire
2 Full Heal Energy

Think it's good without rares?  Or is there a better way?  Send your thoughts
and opinions to MewtwoStruckBack@aol.com

P.S.  Props to Matt for his idea of posting a no-rare deck.