Hey! Whats up!! Well today I'm going to talk about 3 overlooked cards, bench hitters.
Some are worth playing some aren't. Right now I will be the judge of that.

Umbreon (holo) 80 HP
** Bite 20
DD* Feint Attack
Pick one of you opponents pokemon and do 30 damage
to it (don't apply weakness and resistance for benched pokemon)
Bite is average. But Feint Atttack is great..... if you can pull it off. Two Darkness and one           colorless is pricey. But, like using Sneasal you always find some way to get the Darkness.
I give it 7 1/2.

 Murkrow 50HP
D Mean Look
The Defending pokemon can't retreat as long as Murkrow is your active pokemon.
D* Feint Atttack
Pick one of your opponents pokemon and do 20 damage to it (don't apply weakness
and resistance or any other effects for benched pokemon)

Mean Look is what makes Murkrow different from Umbreon. The best way to take
adventage of Mean Look is to use Piloswine's Freeeze (hope for heads) the switch to
 Murkrow then trap em or Mean Look some thing that can't attack you back. then
Feint attack till you win. Use Slowking/ Dark Vileplume to stop gust and double gust.
     I will give it a slightly higher rating than Umbreon, 8.

Dark Raichu

LLL Surprise Thunder
Flip a coin. If heads, flip another coin. If the second coin is tails, this                                               attack does 10 damage to each of your opponents benched pokemon                                                    (don't apply weakness and resistance for benched pokemon). If the         30
second coin is heads, this attack does 20 damage to each of your
opponents benched pokemon (don't apply weakness and resistance
for benched pokemon)

Nice card! Suprise Thunder can really screw your opponents plans.
 I give it an 8 1/2.
