Grrrrr...mumble.....dang homestead.....stupid......hate world......revenge

Oh, hey every body, it's me! Look, I haven't recieved any e-mails you've sent
me 'cos the weirdo's at homestead cancelled everyone's account. Jeez! They
suck more than a magikrap with a straw!

Oh, well....

I just discovered a horribly evil combo.
Evil cards use no more than two energy for the attacks 'cos the enrgy is so
hard to come by. Yesterday I go a tyranitar and decided i'd play it for the
sake of it 'cos i could still use slam. It was sat on the bench with a few
'nown that i got in the same pack. Cleffa was up with 2 damage but i had
clefairy in hand and my last bench space happenned to be an electrode i was
using to cut down on energy costs. I was about to buzzap onto cleffa and
evolve for clefairy when....WHAM it hit me(no, not the cleffa,) ! I buzzaped
electrode to tyranitar in stead, buzzap can become special energy as well as
basic, retreated cleffa and trampled for victory, using unown d for
protection. Ha! I am now making evil decks with out any evil energy in them
'cos of this ace combo. Just wait ti'll i get sneasel....

Well, for now e-mail me on

And i still need a name for poor lil' mew.

Hey, can electrode be a rainbow energy? Heh,heh...