Ok, like most of my tips that pop in my head, this one was an accedent,(I can
never just sit down and think of a strategy) But this one works like a charm.
if your like me and your sick of battling sneasal/wiggly decks everytime you
go to leage, and getting you bum bum kicked because they are so fast and so
powerfull, than this tip is for you.(Bla bla bla)
    Ok the stratigy goes like this, get your self a lot of neo descovery
boosters, you should get unown u,(if requirements are met you get to act like
a never ending super scoop up with no flip)The require ments are that you
have to spell undo on your bench.now comes the good part. Unown N reduces
your opponents colorless attacks by 30, bringing the most powerfull wiggly
down to just 30 damage a turn(fwa, ha,ha,ha,ha,.......sorry bout that.) Thats
not the end of it, same thing goes for unown D wich is like the same thing
but cuts down dark attacks. For your pokes that are gonna do the attacking, I
would use chans, rockets chans, hitmontops,and brocks sandslash,70 hp.throw
in some ruin wall and comp search to get these guys out. then throw in some
imposter's revenge and use unown O's power to look at a peice of you
opponents deck, if its horrible, imoster's revenge will make them get those
    I hope my tip will help all of you when you play at your league,or mayby
when you go to the sts, wich i can't go cus i live in cali, boo hoo. Thanks
for your time Pojo. Ill have more stratigies now that i got back into pokemon.

Any questions comments, need help or just wanna chat,e-mail me at:

This has been another Tip from yo man T-Bone, see you later