this is my 3rd card tip 4 pojo. atleast i hope my second one was posted. oh
well, back to the card. today i will talk about an overlooked card that
stinx in some ways and rocks in others. ARBOK. This snake is a pretty good
card, terror strike is great if ur in big trouble. And boy do i love
poisoning my opponents. Poison Fang allows u to poison without flipping. But
there are other cards that can do that too. 2 retreat cost stinx for this 60
HP pokemon. The 60 HP makes me disapointed.This card will never be the best
but the Dark Arbok is like 10million times better but if u love to anoyy ur
opponents this is the card to use. thanx 4 readin this pojo (and hopefully
my fellow fans.

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