Crobat                                                             90 HP
Type: Stage 2 Grass Pokemon (Evolves from Golbat)       
G: Lingering Poison: 20
  Effect: During your opponent's next turn, if your opponent
    attaches an Energy card to the Defending Pokemon, it is now
GGC: Cross Attack: 20x
  Effect: Flip 4 coins.  This attack does 20 damage times the
    number of heads. If 2 or more are heads, the Defending
    Pokemon is now Confused.
(No) Retreat   Weakness: Psychic   Resistance: Fighting

Wow, look at this card!
Crobat's first attack's damage is nice, but the poison effect makes an awesome combo with
energy removal and super energy removal.
Cross Attack is just like neo 2 Beedrill's Pinmissile, but it also confuses with 2 or more heads.
It also has no retreat cost and a resistance to fighting.
Because Zubat, Golbat and Crobat all have no retreat cost, I decided to make a deck with them
in which every pokemon card has no retreat cost.
Crobat's Swift Spin
18 pokemon
4 Zubat (neo 3) (way better than fossil)
2 Golbat (fossil) (leech life is good (makes a combo with pluspower))
2 Golbat (neo 3) (this one can heal and poison)
4 Crobat (the star)
3 Scyther (jungle) (no retreat cost and swords dance makes slash good)
2 Cleffa (drawing power, baby rule, no weakness and no retreat cost (it has a downside: 30 HP))
1 Yanma (shockwave is good with heads, swift kills baby pokemon and hurts metal pokemon)
26 trainers
3 professor oak (always good)
3 computer search (get what you need)
2 pokemon trader (this is a great card (and overlooked))
4 gold berry (I just love healing)
3 double gust (great combo with this deck:- it gets you another pokemon (just like gust of wind)
                                                             -you also switch your pokemon, meaning you're not
                                                               affected by an status ailment anymore and with the
                                                               free retreat you just get your last active pokemon
                                                               active again)
3 pluspower (if you're just 10 damage short or in combonation with leech life)
3 energy removal (combo with Crobat and always good)
2 super energy removal (even better combo with Crobat)
2 narrow gym (protects against Wiggly and Sneasel, also discards your opponent's stadium card)
1 lass (combo with Cleffa)
16 Energy
13 grass energy
3 double colorless
Nitro J