Hi, my name is Sam.
Cards from the past is a review on OLD cards. eg. base set. or
The card today is ......
Super Energy Removal.
2 energy removed off your oppoent's for the cost of 1. is that
great or what.
Both energy is on your oppoent's SAME pokemon, not one on the
first and one on the second.
Removed 1 of your OWN energy attached and discard the SER. 2
cards for 2.
Eco gym? you discard a card and none for your
No removal gym? discard 4 card for 2 energy?
Of course, SER is not used for no reason.
1) they can only attach 1 energy per turn.
2) discard a energy that is not used in short term in order to
discard 2 of your oppoent's energy needed. eg. of a steelix.
3) lock your oppoent's pokemon.
4) stadium cards can be REPLACED.
That's why it is simply GOOD.
Time for 1 more card....
Devultion spray...
I don't even bother to spell it right.
Devolve your own poke? what for?
short of energy?
1) retreat it.
2) recall is better.
change your mind and re-evolve eevee?
1) hyper devolvution spray.
This card is simply a rare card that is GOOD FOR
Thanks. I think I will introduce a few pokemon card next
maybe also 1 good and 1 bad.
This article is written by sam.
Thanks for reading