Hi Im michael my stradgey uses the Movie Promo Pikachu+Rocket's Zapdos
Pikachu 60 HP
Recharge1 lighting Search your deck for a lighting And attach
it to Pikachu. Shuffle your deck afterward
ThunderBolt 50 3 lighting Discard all energy cards attached to
Rocket's Zapdos 70 HP
Plasma 20 1 lighting If there are any lighting energy in your discard
pile attach one of them to Rocket's Zapdos
Electroburn 70 3 lightning and 1 coloress Rocket's Zapdos does
damage to itself times the # of lighting energy attached to it

Combo use pikachu to dump lighting into the discard pilevia Thunderbolt then
Plasmato get those energy back.
Write me at www.Gutzam@Aol.com