Hello pojoatics just wana
show you my awsome Tyfloshin deck idea! All right I wanted to talck to you
about Tyfloshin (Lv. 55), the way you should try to use him is with
fire pokemon that discard a lot of energy for a lot of damage. Some
agsamples: Blanes Airkanine, Blanes Ninetales, Blanes
Charizard, Airkanine (promo and base set), and base set
charizard. Try to stay a wy from more than 1 kind of stage 2 so you should
try to use Blanes Airkanine mostly. So now that we have chosen Blanes
Airkanine let's see witch Blanes Growlith we should use, The one with
stroke seams a lot better becaus of it's ability to soke up fire energy.
OK that 3 Blanes Airkanine 3 Blanes Growlith (with stroke). Now we will
ovyisly need some Tyfloshins, let's use the leval 55 version.
Now, what kind of Quilava should we use? The leval 35 won has more
HP and a better attack so let's use that one. The sindaquils will be the
leval 25 ones difonintly so that's 4 Tyfloshin 3 Quilava and 4
Cindaquil. Will avoisily need 2 cleffa's.
for the traiers will need the
basic stage 2/fire trainer cards. and energy is pretty simple!
4 Tyfloshin (leval 55)
(neo genesis)--- awsome poke'mon power
3 Quilava (leval
35) (neo genesis)--- the only poke'mon with char
4 Ceindaquil (leval
25) (neo genesis)--- fire works can trip you up so be
3 Blanes Airkanine (leval 42)
(gym challenge)--- 120? dang! discards fire
energy? no problam!
3 Blanes Growlith (leval 20)
(gym challenge)--- stroke untill you get Blanes
3 Cleffa (leval 6) (neo
genesis)--- helps get Tyfloshin and sutch
4 Blane (neo genesis)---
keep attaching fire energy to that blanes airkanine
4 Proffesor Elm (neo
genesis)--- this way you want lose your Tyfloshins/Poke'mon Breeder's
4 Gold Berry (neo
genesis)--- Tyfloshin and Blanes Airkanine both damage there
3 Computer Search (base set
2)--- get any thing for 2 cards
2 Ceinbar Gym (gym
challenge)--- Water has a big advantage... let's take a lil'
2 Super Energy Rietrievil (neo
genesis)--- Energy get's put in the discard pile pretty easy!
2 Poke'mon Breeder (base set
19 fire energy
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