Alright a lot of people think MP mewtwo is dead, but he isn't.  Resistance
gym saves him and with item finders you can keep your resistance gym up. Also
people think cleffa killed him, it didn't. If you get tails yes it can be bad
, but it is bad with all cards if you get tails against cleffa! And if you
get heads it is likely you will kill it next turn! Also murkrow is no trouble
just run 3 resistance gym w/lots of item finders. Same with sneasel too. Also
there is a very good ally to MP mewtwo. . . .  Blaine's charmander! If you
cannot get resistance gym running everything that has resistance to psychic
likes to use special energy cards so Blaine's charmander roasts their energy!
This deck works w/ Ditto, cleffa, and scyther try it it works! Also  I would
like NESS  to read this and if he does I know he'll bash me ,but it does work
I've tried it. Plus I run 4 recycle energy so. . . . .absorb those and
retreat or go crazy w/SER and roast the special enery which works because you
run a different gym to knock out eco! Most people who read this want to bash
this first thing , but try the deck . . . . . . I'm not in the top 100 in  
the world for no reason =P If you want to send something nice send it to