Ok, *takes out a Remote and switches it to *rant on* mode.


Alright, all of us here know what a Haymaker is right? You know that queer deck with just basic Pokemon and has absolutely no strategy? Yes thought so, I'm getting pretty !@#$in tired of these decks. They're being used too much, its not that they are hard to defeat but it is because of the quantity, these decks get beat thousands of times since the Jungle set came out. I mean look at these guys; just the original base set Pokemon and Jungle. Hitmonchan, Electabuzz, Scyther. Plus some other retarded looking Pokemon or Pokemon that belong in other archetypes.The quantity! There are about a million of these things, its like a cancer to the TCG. No Strategy, jab.... thunder punch, slash, scoop up..... I win...... yay..., sound familiar? I mean, RAINDANCE has a better strategy. Back to the quantity; EX: I go to a tourney, show up on time, 15 people show up. 14 have haymakers. Haymaker is soooooo boring! Slash! Swords Dance! Sl! ! ash! MWAHAHAHAHA! SLASH! Most of

Turbo Tuff

Ok Turbo Tuff. Even though they are not played much in my area in other areas they are gods. Turbo Tuff; The Cousin of Haymaker.These decks have very little strategy unlike haymaker which has no strategy. I've battled about 1 but my opponent lost before he even evolved his Jigglypuff. He had 4 Wigglytuff in his deck.Oh god..." I do challenge! Don't accept? Ok! *puts 3 pokemon on bench* Duh! I'm retarded" sound familiar? *shudders* Everybody always e-mails me saying," oooh, my deck can beat yours because mines is Turbo Tuff and yours is stall! You can't deck me! Even though I oaky 4 times in a row and I bill 4 times! Then I item finder them back and oak 4 more times!" I think                .o0(Ok.....) "my deck is has a resistance against psychic Pokemon!" .... do you know what a Dark Alakazam is? And plus, Stall is supposed to STALL, not attack, w! ! hats the point of having a Dark A

Dealers and Collectors

Alright, everybody hear at Pojo hates all those collecting-only people. Its like, I'll give you Charizard for one of your 900 Magikarps. And then they're like "NO! You think I'm crazy? You're gonna rip me off! I can't trade cuz then I'll only have 899 Magikarp!" What the !@#$??? Then there are those parents who defend their children and they'll do anything to protect them just like those guys on Jerry Springer. Its like I'll trade you a Charizard for a Pika--"Shut the ^%$ up you mother^*&76 &&hole! You'll never trade a ^%^in &^07 for my mother *&^*&8 dog&)((&*& Pika&^&^&*chu!! ARGH!!!!!*throws chair at me* Take that you %*)&er" If anyone has parents like that please steal 500 dollars from them and run away from home. They will kill you.... I think I saw one on America's Most Wanted.Okay now Dealers. When you want some cards never go to stores in malls. They have cards th! ! at are like 300 bucks when they'rgo much because I don't have a car. Well Seeya! ;-). If you have any comments about your Wigglytuff deck beating my deck or other hate mail or some other stuff or you're just bored e-mail me at pokemon_trainer_jason@hotmail.com Oh yeah i USE to use haymaker but now it sucks. I am trying to make other people change and trying to get SPIKE of the Pojo staff to get kicked out since he's mean and he pisses everybody off. RANT OFF Alright seeya guys. E-mail pokemon_trainer_jason@hotmail.com

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