I originally designed this deck for a little contest I started, in which
you were to use a Pokémon you'd never played with before. I went
overboard and used not one, but three! Amazingly, the deck plays very
well. Despite the name Seadra-Monkeys, there are no Mankeys in this
budget deck. (: I named it that because it's full of small, cute Water
Pokémon that look harmless ....

Slightly tricky to play, but very fun in execution -- and amazingly
inexpensive, this deck will definitely surprise your opponents. The only
thing you fear is electricity, but careful play will help you with that.


19 Water Energy
3 Double Colorless Energy

4 Horsea
3 Seadra
4 Goldeen
3 Seaking
3 Porygon (Rocket. Base will work too, but Rocket is preferable)
2 Ditto (*Rare*) or other big basic with low retreat cost (I've been
using a Ditto and a Chansey. Those work well.)

2 Professor Oak
4 Bill
4 Energy Removal
3 Switch
3 Gust of Wind
3 Pluspower

To soup up the deck with a few more rares, substitute two Computer
Searches and an Item Finder for one Energy Removal, one Bill, and one
Switch/Gust of Wind (your choice).

How does it play?
Start Porygon in front, and Horsea and Goldeen on the bench. Stick an
energy on Porygon and change your opponent's weakness to Water. Next
turn, retreat for free and follow up with a Horsea or Goldeen. You
should be able to evolve within the first three or four turns, and hit
even harder.

What makes the deck tick?
Well, part of it is that Horsea, Goldeen, and the Rocket Porygon all
retreat for free. So you get to maneuver back and forth from your bench
pretty easily. The other cool thing is that none of the "important"
attacks in the deck need more than three energy, and almost all can
survive on two. This provides a strong resistance to Energy Removal.

Seadra is particularly valuable. Between the two-cost Water Gun and the
three-cost Agility, it's extremely versatile. If you need to protect
Seadra for a turn or two while you beat someone down, use Agility, then
finish him off with a Water Gun, sometimes paired with a Pluspower.
Seadra is really an exceptional Water Pokemon -- often underrated, I think.

Ditto is for anything that just gets too big. It also helps stave off
that inevitable Electric problem, as does the Rocket Porygon. With all
the nifty low retreat costs in the deck, it's easy to get the
first-attack advantage with Ditto, as well. If you do use a Chansey or
two, a fast Double-Edge can really put the hurt on your opponent.
Chansey is not a staller in this deck -- Chansey's out there to take two
Pokémon with it! Trading one of yours for two of your opponent's is more
than worth it.

Aren't all these basics really small?
Yes. That's the hard part. I did say the deck was somewhat tricky. Some
of this will be alleviated by the increased maneuverability of the deck.
The rest is handled by your evolutions, and by a simple philosophy that
the deck uses: if you hit harder than your opponent does, you'll beat
them down faster than they can hurt you.

You hit harder by creating and attacking their weakness, using
Pluspowers, and using the Energy Removals to slow down the damage they
can do to you.

What do I do about Dark Muk?
Dark Muk is this deck's nemesis, no question. The solution I've found is
to send out a sacrificial Rocket Porygon, change its weakness, get the
Porygon squished, and crush Dark Muk with Seaking.

You probably won't believe this, but this little deck is currently
undefeated! I have played it against all kinds of other decks, including
Electric decks and Haymakers and lots of other nasty things, and it's
managed to simply beat them down faster than they can squish it. I
attribute some of that to my opponents getting Energy-hosed (love those
Energy Removals), but there must be *something* in it, y'know? (;

Please feel free to try this deck out. It's a lot of fun, and if you
like to maneuver, this is definitely the deck for you! I'd love to hear
any constructive comments or questions, so feel free to email me at
lopaskar@san.rr.com. (:


Leanne Opaskar                  lopaskar@san.rr.com