Aww, everyone hates that word. From Haymaker (dying as I speak) to Rain Dance
to Damage Swap to Potpourii(getting stronger as I speak) to speedrill to
aero-mew to vilesaur (future archetype) get the idea. Sometimes, they
work well for you, other times (most), they're a pain in the neck. Well,
Mewbot to the rescue! I've found out how to beat those pesky haymakers and
other stuff. Onto hays...
Hay's strengths are in big basic pokemon. Scyther, Hitmonchan, Electabuzz and
Movie Mewtwo are some of the favorites. Here's what I think is an appropriate
Pokemon (12)
3 Movie Mewtwo (or Jynx)
3 scyther
3 rhyhorn
3 pinsir
Energy (24)
8 psi
7 grass
5 fighting
Trainers (24)
3 oak
3 pluspower
2 lass
2 Rocket's sneak attack
3 super potion
3 gust of wind
3 itemfinder
3 comp. search
2 scoop up
This is pure metagame. Movie Mewtwo (or Jynx) gets rid of Hitmon and Mewtwo
easily. Jynx (with pluspowers), mewtwo, rhyhorn (with pluspowers), and pinsir
can all kill hay pokes in 2 hits. The only one bad matchup is Rhyhorn Vs
Scyther, but that's another story. The trainers I don't have to explain,
except S. potion. The hay pokes can't usually do more than 40 per turn, so
just wipe out the damage!
Next time, I'll do a rain dance...
until next time...
Devin AKA Mewbot