let us all examine this card together

Rocket's Mewtwo (psy) 70 hp

juxtapose: 0 p flip coin if heads switch damage counters around with mewtwo
and the defending pokemon, great attack if mewtwo is stacked with damage
hypnoblast: 20 pp flip coin if heads defending pokemon is asleep, not very
good jumpluff gets garunteed sleep for only 1 energy
psyburn: 60 ppp1 nice,quite nice, great for dealing huge damage to psy
resistant pokemon like wiggly and sneasel.

weak-psy resist-none retreat-2

All in all this card is excellent and now for the strategys:
use alakazam to stack rockets mewtwo with damage, attach a gold berry for
insurance, and use juxtapose.
Use promo mewtwo to absorb energy then use energy flow to quickly charge r
Very efficient at quickly damaging opponents pokemon, not very many pokes can
survive 1 or 2 psyburns.

e-mail me at drjeffhemp@aol.net