Hello Pojo. I have bought my first packs of Neo 2, and have pulled Scizor and
Poliwrath non holo. Well, there have been mixed reviews over this set. Some
people drool over the new Scizor and Beedrill cards, others like Ness call
this set trash. Well, I like it, and am here to review some of the best, or
most popular cards that were released.

1. Scizor
Evolves From Scyther      80HP

M- Flase Swipe. This Attack does damage equal to half the defending Pokemon's
HP rounded down.
CCC- Double Claw. This attack does 20 damage times the number of heads.
Weakness: Fire      Resistance: Grass      Retreat: 2

I had heard that this card was gonna be great. It's really not. His first
attack is nice. One energy super fang and he's a metal type. Resistance to
one of the most popular types around. He evolves from a great basic. But his
second attack  sucks more than a Hoover vaccum cleaner. Maybe this card was a
misprint, because it has a plus next to the 20, yet it says flip 2 coins,
this atttack does 20 damage times the number of heads. Now, if it would have
said, "Flip two coins, this attack does 20 damage plus 20 more damage for
each heads" it would have been great. But it's a stage 2, with a crap second
attack, 2 retreat cost. It just looks pretty.
Broken? Not even close.

2. Beedrill
Evolves from Kakuna        80HP

G-Triple Poison. 10. Flip a coin. If heads the defending Pokemon is poisoned
and takes 30 damage after each players turn rather than 10.
GGC-Pin Missile. Flip 4 coins. This attack does 20 damage times the number of
Weakness: Fire    Resistance: Fighting   Retreat: 0
Now, this card is pretty good. It has a nice, no wait, an AWESOME one energy
attack. Nice HP, free retreat, Weakness to a pretty unpopular type,
resistance to Gligar. It's second attack and the fact that it is Stage  2 is
where it lacks. It's second attack is really bad. Not only is it a bad coin
reliant move, but it requires GGC, meaning it takes three turns to power up a
crappy attack. Most of your time though, you will be using Triple Poison. An
excellent attack for bringing down that big ugly Steelix or Wigglytuff,
anyone with a retreat of 2 or more. This card is like Sneasel, very coin flip
reliant, but if things go your way, your opponent is gonna cry.
Broken? No, but pretty close.

3. Forretress
Evolves from Pineco         80HP

Pokemon Power: Spikes
Whenever one of your opponent's benched Pokemon becomes their active Pokemon
this power does 10 damage to it. This Power can't be used if Forretress is
asleep, confused, or Paralyzed.
CCS-Rapid Spin. 30. If your opponent has any benched Pokemon he/she chooses
one of them and puts it as her active. If you have any benched Pokemon,
choose one of them and put it as your active. Do damage before switching,
This card rocks. If you have multiple Forretresses out, you're in for a field
day. It's second attack is not pricey, as you can put in a metal and a DCE
and pull it off. If you ahve 4 Forretresses out, you will be dealing 30 to
one of your opponent's Pokemon for the Rapid Spin, and then 40 to the guy
they switch to. The bad thing is the weakness to fire and the 3 retreat cost.
3 retreat is ugly, and Igglybuff can really hurt you. This makes those extra
Forretresses gust of wind targets in the late game, which can hurt bad. Magby
can not hurt as much seeing as he will die as soon as he steps into the
battle. Use him (Forretress). One of the best outta Neo 2.
Broken? Pretty damn close.

4. Kabutops
Evolves from Kabuto         90HP

C- Slash.20
F- Hydro Cutter. Flip a coin for each energy attatched to Kabutops. This
attack does 40 damage times the number of heads.
Weakness: Grass    Resistance: None   Retreat: 2

My favorite card out of Neo 2. This guy can do massive damage on turn two.
Now, the beauty of him is the fact that he is a water type that uses fighting
type attacks. So you don't have to worry about the pesky Scythers and
Gligars, you still do regular damage. No one has resistance to water. His
retreat isn't something to cheer about, but it could be worse. 2 retreat is
something that you could use DCE for. Hydro Cutter is such a nice attack.
Sure it's con flip reliant, but your pulling off anywhere from 0-120 damage
from turn 2. Most of the time you will get 40 or 80 damage. Weakness to
Meganium really does not help, but his Hydro Cutter attack is really nice. 90
HP just tops him off. That is a nice amount. His real downside is he is stage
2, and if your opponent see's you attatching that Fighting to a mysterious
fossil he will know what's coming. Therefore want to knock it out before you
can kill him with Kabutops. Nevertheless hes a great card.
Broken? Somewhat. If his second attack did not rely on flips he probably
would be.

5. Tyranitar
Evolves from Pupitar                100HP

CCC-Slam. Flip 2 Coins. This attack does 30 damage times the number of heads.
DDCC-Trample. 50. Flip a coin for each Pokemon on each player's bench. (Yours
and your opponent's) If heads this attack does 30 damage to that Pokemon.
(Don't apply weakness and resistance for benched Pokemon)
Weakness:None         Resistance: Psychic   Retreat:3

This is a card that likes to hog the spotlight. If it sees someone ont he
bench it will destroy it, yours and your opponents. You can get him going on
turn two, with his not so great Slam attack. Then after that, Trample can
really destroy the opposition. If you are playing against Tyranitar, destroy
those Pupitar and Larvitar before they evolve, because once a Tyranitar
starts Trampling, you are in for a long (actually short) game. Tyranitar can
really hurt you. Once you are ready to begin trampling, make sure either A.
You have evolved all Pokemon with 60HP or less. or B. You have absolutely no
Pokemon with 60HP or less on your bench. Do not use him in tandem with
Sneasel. Keep in mind Gold Berry will not protect Sneasel from Trample.
Tyranitar can really hurt when fully charged, but that DDCC attack is really
prone to Energy Removal. So EcoGym's are a must. And one more thing. Only one
Tyranitar out at a time! He is extremely prone to Gust of Wind if he has no
Broken? No, but he's close to tournament level.

Well, that's all for today. Tune in next time, I'll be doing Houndoom,
Umbreon, Butterfree, Politoed and....???. Someone tell me who else I should
do. E-mail me and I'll do it. Disagree, agree? E-mail me. Please be mature.
Juan Ayala
ChevySilverado01@aol.com. Later.